Saturday, May 21, 2005

Pedro for president . . .

Napoleon Dynamite reviews . . .
Don't you hate it when a movie reviewer gives a review of a movie that they probably didn't even watch?? Such is the case with Jeanne Aufmuth and Naapoleon Dynamite.

I just watched the movie and although it was a little goofy with the spectacle of the misfit kids and the epic struggle with the "in" crowd, it was fun. Most of us in the GenX generation and younger can relate to the awkwardness of high school no matter where we went. It's fun to see the little guy/underdog win.

Ms. Aufmuth completely misses the point; some of the inaccuracies are:
It was Pedro that made the advances to the "popular girl" that were rebuffed not Napoleon. His family is disfunctional, but the real cretin is Uncle Rico living in the past and preying on gullible residents with door-to-door scams. Kip's online chatroom meanderings are harmless. He makes a love connection and it's a nice diversion, not a sleazy thing. He seems to find the soulmate that he's is looking for through out the movie. Grandma, a minor character is living the live of a mature woman looking after her grandkids. A minor character (spends most of the movie in the hospital due to an ATV mishap).

Humiliation is a part of life. The move puts that out in the clear. Often I hear those in the Baby Boom generation remark: "My kids love the movie but I thought it was kind of sad . . " That's the point. Unless you are a jock or a princess or in the right clique, high school life for the uncool was sad. Most kids want to be accepted, allowed in the "in" crowd. Things that kids do to fit in can be sad, self esteem is low and people are just finding out what they are really made of.

You go Napoleon . . .

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