Thursday, April 14, 2005

Tom DeLay is a punk . . .pass it on

Time to get on the tin foil hats . . .the sky is falling. No not really, but it seems that some of the happenings in Washington these days are right out of the latest trashy TV show on Fox. Tom DeLay acts unethically - that is a given. Tom DeLay changes the rules so that he can evade penalties for shady dealings- okay, starting to get a bad taste in the mouth. Tom DeLay's party says that the general public is concerned more over the price of gas for their big SUVs than any silly old ethics violations and that the majority of folks don't actually know who Tom DeLay is . . .okay stop the insanity (apologies to Susan Powter). I know that $76 per tank (you suckers with Suburbans) is enough to make you want to protest, but what can you do? Sell the beast , buy something like a used Volvo station wagon (c'mon they're owned by Ford now) and lose some weight - less mass, less gas. But I digress.

I think it's slightly more important that we don't let our elected officials (especially those that make it to majority leader, for crying out loud) side step the rules just because they want to. Check out what the religious freedom coalition has to say:

And for those of you who don't know who Tom DeLay is and what he stands for, shame on you. Get to know who the cronies are and what their beliefs are and what they mean for you. Living in the richest most powerful country in the world means nothing if you don't harness that power for good.

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